General FAQs

Find answers to frequently asked questions below.

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  • I'm a UCD student. Do I submit an application to take summer classes?
  • No. Continuing UC Davis students do not need to apply for Summer Sessions. Watch for your Pass Time email from the Registrar's Office and enroll through Schedule Builder in April. One Pass Time is assigned and applies to all Summer Sessions.
  • Where do I find my Pass Time appointment?
  • You will find your Pass Time appointment for enrolling in Summer courses in Schedule Builder starting April 21st. Please view our master calendar for other important dates and deadlines. 
  • How do I know if I have been accepted to Summer Sessions? How do I check the status of my application?
  • All applications are processed by the Office of the Registrar. Once you submit your application, you will receive an automated email acknowledging the submission of your application to the email address you provided. You will receive a separate email on April 21st with your student ID number, your registration Pass Time, instructions on how to set up your UC Davis email address and how to register for courses. If you do not receive this email, contact the Registrar's Office through the Contact an Expert tool:
  • After I applied I did not receive the second email with instructions on how to register for courses. Who do I contact?
  • If you don’t receive an email with instructions on how to register for courses on April 21st, email the Registrar's Office through the Contact an Expert tool: to check on the status of your application. 
  • I am a current UCD student and filed to graduate in June. If I want to attend Summer courses, do I need to apply?
  • Yes. If you are currently enrolled in Spring quarter but have filed to graduate in June, you are considered a 'non-continuing UCD student' and need to apply. However, if you're eligible for financial aid, please speak with an academic and financial aid advisor to see if you can postpone your graduation to the summer in order to remain eligible for financial aid. 
  • I will be starting in the fall as either a first-year or transfer student. Can I attend Summer Sessions?
  • Yes, but you must apply via the student application in order to become a part of the system. The application is brief and there is no application fee.
  • Can high school students attend Summer Sessions?
  • Yes! US/domestic high school students who have completed their junior year and are capable of handling introductory-level university courses are welcome to attend Summer Sessions. However, an additional verification form is required, which can be accessed at the link below. This form requires authorization by your high school principal or counselor. Please allow for adequate processing time by your high school, which can be delayed during the summer months.  High School Verification Form 
  • I’m a student at a college outside of the UC System. How do I apply?
  • Apply via the student application. The application is brief and there is no application fee.
  • I'm a student enrolled at another UC campus. How do I apply?
  • Apply via the student application. The application is brief and there is no application fee.
  • Can I enroll in summer classes through Open Campus?
  • Unfortunately Open Campus does not apply to Summer Sessions. Use the online Summer Sessions application process to apply. The application form is brief and there's no application fee.
  • When do I register for Special Session?
  • Registration for Special Sessions is part of your Pass Time registration appointment assigned by the Registrar's Office. You do not need a separate Pass Time for Special Sessions. Please use the original pass time provided for Session 1 & 2 when you sign up for Special Sessions.
  • Can I attend classes in Special Session and Session 1 or 2?
  • Yes, you can attend classes in Special Session and Session 1 or 2 as long as the class schedules do not conflict. Per-unit tuition and per-session fees apply. 
For Transfer Students
  • If I SIR to UC Davis, do I need to apply to attend Summer Sessions?
  • Yes. Even though you have been admitted to UC Davis, as a pre-matriculant, you’re not yet in our system as a registered student. You will, however, pay the UC student fee rate.
  • If I SIR to another UC, can I attend Summer Sessions?
  • Yes. You do need to apply, and you will pay at the UC student rate.
  • How do I apply for Summer Sessions, and is there a fee to apply?
  • The application is a very short form – no essays or transcripts are required. There is no fee to apply. Visit the Apply/Registration page to get started on your application!

Cancellation / Withdrawal

  • I cannot drop my class in Schedule Builder. What do I do?
  • If you are attempting to drop your last or only class in a term, Schedule Builder will not allow you to do so. If you want to drop a class and add a different one, add the new class first before dropping the other.

    If you do not wish to take any classes at all for a term, you must use the Cancellation/Withdrawal Form to withdraw from the term. The link to the form is on this page:

    In that form, you’ll see these Terms listed:


    When you select the appropriate Summer Session, you are not withdrawn from UC Davis, only that term. This action does not impact fall enrollment status or registration.

    Additional information is available on the Registrar’s website:

  • I do not want to leave the University, I just want to drop my class. Do I have to use the Cancellation/Withdrawal Form?
  • If you do not wish to take any classes at all for a term, you must use the Cancellation/Withdrawal Form to withdraw from the term. In the form, you will select the Summer Term(s) that you wish to withdraw from. You will not be withdrawn from UC Davis. This action does not impact Fall enrollment status or registration. 
  • Do I need to submit a Cancellation/Withdrawal Form for each Summer Session term I’m withdrawing from?
  • The Cancellation/Withdrawal Form requires you to select the terms you are withdrawing from and must be received by the applicable deadline for each session as posted on the Summer Sessions calendar.


  • What courses are offered?
  • We offer hundreds of courses in every college, both upper and lower division. You can search online using the Class Search Tool, or browse the course flyers found on our website.
  • What classes should I take?
  • Course selection depends on your major and what courses you need to complete. It’s always a good idea to talk to an advisor in your college to identify the best courses for your academic plan.
  • I don’t see my course in Canvas. What do I do?
  • Log into Canvas: Courses do not appear in your Canvas portal immediately after registering and will not appear more than two weeks prior to the term. 
    Courses appear on the dashboard once the Instructor has posted information and published the course. This typically happens just before the start of the term and timing is at the discretion of the instructor.
    Be sure you’re looking at ‘All Courses’ from the ‘Courses’ link on the Main Menu in Canvas.

    If additional assistance is needed, reach out to the Instructor directly or to IET Help Service Hub or by phone: 530-754-HELP (4357). 

    If you have previously been a Cross Campus Enrollment (CCE) student with a Canvas account for CCE classes, please contact IET Help by phone: 530-754-HELP (4357) for assistance.
  • Is there a limit to how many classes I take?
  • Students can enroll in a maximum of 15 units per session.
  • When will the course list for Summer Session 2024 become available? 
  • Course offerings for Summer 2024 will be uploaded to Schedule Builder beginning March 1, 2024. 
  • Is there are limit on how many online courses I can take? 
  • It is recommended students take a maximum of 8 units per session, any amount of those units may be online. There is no limit to online courses. Make sure you discuss your course schedule with your advisor to ensure you're following your academic plan. 

Fees & Aid

  • Is financial aid available?
  • If you qualified for financial aid during the academic year, you may qualify for financial aid this summer. If you were at a community college, you may have more financial aid available if you take summer courses at UC Davis. To receive financial aid at UC Davis, you must have the following:

    o A FAFSA or California Dream Act application on file (include UC Davis’ federal school code ‘001313’ on the application).
    o A Summer Financial Aid application on file.
    o Please see the Summer Eligibility and Application Process on the UC Davis Financial Aid web page for more information.

    Students who qualify for financial aid must take at least 6 units during the summer. Financial aid is disbursed in the session in which you accumulate 6 units (so if you take 3 units in Session 1 and 3 units in Session 2, you will not receive aid until session 2).
    To learn more about available aid, visit:
  • What are the costs for Summer Sessions?
  • You can view the cost for Summer Session on the Summer Sessions Fees & Aid page.
  • When are fees due?
  • You can view the deadlines for Summer Session fees on the Summer Sessions Fees & Aid page.
  • Why is there a Campus Fee?
  • The Summer Campus Fee is mandatory for each session and is not based upon in-person vs. remote learning. The fee applies to all students to support many broad campus resources, services, and initiatives as noted below:

    Summer Campus Fee: This fee covers the following services and initiatives: Student Services, Memorial Union, Student Health Center, Counseling and Psychological Services, Unitrans, Recreation, Student Facilities Fee, Facilities and Campus Enhancement Initiative, and Campus Expansion Initiative. The Provost has directed that all registered students must pay all elements of the summer campus fee with the exception of UC Davis career employees who are also registered students. This directive is consistent with the language included in the referenda for campus-based fees voted upon by the students. 

  • I’m thinking of dropping a class. How will this affect my Financial Aid?
  • Please refer to these web pages for important information about registration fees and refunds:

    If you have been awarded financial aid and you have changed the number of enrolled units, you need to notify the financial aid office with a Summer Change in Aid form. Students are responsible for managing any refund received for all expenses while attending summer session(s).

    For questions about your individual account, please contact Financial Aid directly. They can access your student account and answer questions about your specific account, aid awards, etc.
    Financial Aid, 530-752-2390, M-F 9-4
  • What is the deadline to submit the Cancellation/Withdrawal form for Summer and receive a refund?
  • Refer to the calendar of dates and deadlines here:
  • I submitted the Cancellation/Withdrawal form before the ‘Last day to drop with refund date.’ What happens with my Financial Aid?
  • Please refer to these web pages for important information:

    For questions about your individual account, please contact Financial Aid directly. They can access your student account and answer questions about your specific account, aid awards, etc.
    Financial Aid, 530-752-2390, M-F 9-4

  • I submitted the Cancellation/Withdrawal form before the ‘Last day to drop with refund date.’ When will I get a refund?
  • Contact Student Accounting,, 530-752-3646, M-F 10-2, for questions about refunds. They can access your student account and answer questions about your specific account.

    Additional information can be found on their website:



  • Does Summer Sessions participate in Equitable Access?
  • Yes, Equitable Access is available for summer terms. The cost is $75 per session, which covers the cost of all materials required in all of your courses. The charge will be added to your campus account at the same time as your Tuition is billed. As with full academic terms, digital books are the default format covered by the program.
  • Where should I look for and purchase my textbooks?
  • To view the required materials for each of your courses you can check your Bookshelf. This is accessed in two ways:
    1. Access your "stand-alone" Bookshelf at This is a view-only listing of all required materials and will also show whether each item is being provided in either a digital or print format. It is available after your tuition has been posted.
    2. Your Canvas Bookshelf can be opened from the course menu of each course once Canvas is open for Summer and your instructors have published their course pages. The Canvas Bookshelf is also where you will actually begin your access most of your digital content and retrieve any access codes needed for courseware.
    3. If you choose to opt out of coverage, you can do so from either Bookshelf view.
    * For more information about Equitable Access, please visit the Equitable Access Student FAQ at:
  • Who do I contact if I need assistance?
  • If you have questions about Equitable Access or need assistance in managing your EA subscription, please email If you have a question about access issues or specific materials in a course, please email

COVID-19 Campus Policies and Restrictions

  • Will summer courses be delivered face-to-face or via remote instruction?
  • Instruction for Summer courses will be in person in 2024 unless specifically noted for a select few courses. (Refer to the Online & Remote Course list on the Courses page.) Given the changing nature of the pandemic, guidance from public health officials may cause a shift to remote delivery. Any such determination would be made by campus administration and local public health experts at a later date. The health and safety of our students, faculty, and staff remain our top priority, and the Summer Sessions website will be regularly updated with any relevant changes.
  • What’s the difference between an online course and remote instruction?
  • Online courses have been specifically vetted, approved, and optimized for online learning. Courses being delivered remotely were designed for in-person instruction, but were adapted due to emergency circumstances surrounding the COVID-19 crisis.
  • Is COVID-19 vaccination required to attend Summer Sessions?
  • Yes, the University of California requires all students, staff, and faculty who are accessing campus facilities to be fully immunized against COVID-19, including a booster shot as soon as they are eligible. For more details, see

    Important: Compliance with this policy will be required prior to the start of classes.

    Policies are subject to change and Summer Session students are required to comply with the requirements in place at the time of summer courses.
  • What COVID-19 requirements apply to Summer Session students?
  • Policy for Summer Sessions students can be found here:

    Policies are subject to change and Summer Session students are required to comply with the testing requirements in place at the time of summer courses.

    UC Davis offers free, rapid saliva testing on campus for students, faculty, and employees. Results are provided in 24-48 hours.

    Significant changes in the public health landscape could require changes to campus operations, including in-person instruction, housing and dining, including adjusting housing density, restricting indoor dining and broadening COVID-19 surveillance testing. Current campus policy is available:

If you have any additional questions about Summer Sessions, feel free to contact us via email at or by phone at ​​​(530) 752-7623. 

Summer Sessions staff is working hybrid schedules at this time. For fastest response, please email us at